Pay Condo Fees

Monthly Condo Maintenance Fees

Payments are due on the 1st of the month. A late fee may be assessed if not received by the 10th of
the month. Payments need to be remitted directly to our bank to avoid delayed processing.

Setting up bill payment using your bank

You will need the following information to set up direct payments from your bill payment provider:

PayeePeppertree Bay Association Inc
Payee AddressPO Box 30061; Tampa FL 33630-3061
Payee Telephone Number(866) 227-0441
Payment Account Number (unique number for each unit)Can be found on your coupon book.

Setting up or changing an Autopay account via Centennial Bank

Here are instructions for setting up an automatic monthly dues payment plan from your bank to
Centennial (Peppertree Bay’s bank). Your payment will be automatically debited from your
designated bank account on the date of the month you specify. Centennial does not charge for this
service, but you must set up a payment plan by submitting the Autopay Enrollment Form (link below)
to Centennial Bank. You can fill that form out on line, then print it, and send it with a voided check to
the address on the form. The form will ask for:

Association Name: (Peppertree Bay Association, Inc)

Unit ID: (your address number, like 1200-604 for a high-rise building, or 6024 for a low-rise / garden

Centennial Bank Autopay Enrollment Form
To cancel or make changes to the program, once it is set up, use this form.

Centennial Bank Autopay Cancel/Change Form
You can also pay by credit card, but the bank will charge you a fee for this service, and it
requires that you enter information from your Centennial issued Peppertree Bay payment
book. More instructions are available here.

One-Time or Credit Card Payment Through Centennial Bank

Special Assessments

Checks for special assessments should be made payable to Peppertree Bay and directly remitted to
the office at 6056 Midnight Pass Road; Sarasota FL 34242-3222 by the due date. Do not send
monies for special assessments to Centennial Bank.
If you have any questions, please use the Get Support button on the top of the Owner’s web page or
contact the office at (941) 349-7777.

Contact Us

Peppertree Bay Association
6056 Midnight Pass Road
Sarasota, Florida USA 34242

T 941.349.7777
F 941.346.0371


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